Safe Use of Aerosols

Safe Use of Aerosols

Safety with Aerosols

Do not pierce or burn aerosols, even when empty, as they may explode and seriously injure you and others.

  • Do not spray on or near a naked flame, fire or source of ignition.
  • Use only in a well ventilated space.
  • Do not smoke when using an aerosol or immediately afterwards.
  • Avoid breathing in the product as you spray - ensure that you use in a well-ventilated area, especially if you or others in your household/workplace have asthma or suffer allergies to sprays or fragrances that can trigger asthma attacks.

If you are concerned about a product or substance you may have accidentally ingested or inhaled, call the National Poisons Centre on 0800 POISON  / 0800 764-766 (NZ only).

Aerosols and Volatile Substance Use (VSU)

NEVER deliberately inhale aerosols. Even doing this just once can kill you and repeated use can cause severe and irreversible damage to your heart, lungs, brain, nervous system and other organs!

For more information and advice, see Volatile substances - NZ Drug Foundation.

In case of a life-threatening emergency, always dial 111.

Cockroach Foggers ('Bug Bombs')

These products are a popular method of treating any large scale or persistent infestation but can be dangerous if you do not carefully follow the safety advice on the product packaging and can.

To minimise the chance of fire or explosion, including the risk of serious injury, ensure that you read the product label carefully and follow all the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.  These include only using the recommended number of cans for the size of the room and eliminating all ignition sources prior to and during use.

To eliminate ignition sources, switch off the electricity at the mains and turn off gas pilot lights, such as pilot lights for stoves and hot water systems. If you cannot switch the electricity off at the mains, then switch off all power points, lights and electrical devices in the building at the wall switch.  This includes fridges and other electrical devices that turn themselves on and off during normal operation.

You also need to ensure that there is no smoking in the vicinity of the area in which the “Bug Bomb” is to be used.  

If you live in a multiple unit building, inform your neighbours and the building manager that you will be using “Bug Bombs” in your unit.  These buildings sometimes share common ventilation systems, or may have cracks and crevices between units. Make sure you let your neighbours know when you are using any “Bug Bombs,” and ask them to turn off any ignition sources if the units share common ventilation.

Before turning the electricity and pilot lights back on, ensure that the room has been fully ventilated by opening the windows and doors for the minimum time detailed on the product label.